get concensus

2 Steps to Get Concensus

I was in a meeting recently to brainstorm ideas for a theme and logo of an upcoming conference. It was a typical scenario . . . lots of ideas and the chance of reaching consensus seemed very far away. But I wasn't surprised or concerned. Everyone has their own ideas, tastes, preferences and perspectives based on their own personal circumstance. It's a fact -- absolutely everything we encounter is relative to where we're at in our lives - age, gender, financial status, social circumstance, etc. etc.

When it comes to communicating, recognizing this is the first step. The second is to look at the situation from the perspective of the customer, delegate, shareholder or employee -- whomever you are trying to reach. Throw you own perspective out the window and put yourself in the recipients shoes, be they the size of a child or black patent with 4" heels. (ouch)

Only after you can look at things from the recipients relative point of view can you begin to understand how to reach them -- what message to communicate, how to communicate it, which mediums to use and when to communicate it.

Christine Dubyts  |
Christine Dubyts is crazy about marketing and helping businesses stay in business, grow and prosper. As a fempreneur she has a special interest in working with other women business owners with their marketing and business growth efforts.