email marketing tips

Top 5 Email Marketing Tips

Here are our top 5 email marketing tips to get your email delivered, opened and read.

1. Get Permission. Permission based marketing is a must, otherwise you're just another spammer and no one likes a spammer. Am I right? So make sure you have permission to send email to your list.

2. Keep it out of junk mail. If you hit junk mail you'll never get a chance to communicate your message, so avoid too many characters, all caps and exclamation marks in your subject line. These are triggers for spam blockers and will get you rerouted to the "junk" folder. Try out this free Spam Checker.

3. Keep it short, focused and relevant. People are time sensitive and if you waste theirs they'll remember it. Tell them what you want to tell them succinctly, without using jargon and unnecessary words.

4. Use email safe fonts. It'll be pretty tough to get your message across if they can't read it! Email safe fonts will render properly on everyone's computer, browser and email client. These fonts include:

  • Arial
  • Comic Sans
  • Courier New
  • Georgia
  • Tahoma
  • Times New Roman
  • Verdana

5. Provide value. If you're always just selling, selling, selling in your email people will tire of your continual sales pitches and hit the delete button when they see your email come in. Give people information they can use, or something else that has value to them so they look forward to getting your email.

Christine Dubyts  |
Christine Dubyts is crazy about marketing and helping businesses stay in business, grow and prosper. As a fempreneur she has a special interest in working with other women business owners with their marketing and business growth efforts.