boxing fitness benefits

Boxing Fitness: more than just weight-loss and stress relief

The fitness of boxing is known to be a great workout and although the fun of hitting a heavy-bag is incomparable, the benefits of the fullbody workout associated with a 60-minute boxing training session could, arguably, be compared to other high-intensity workouts.

However, beyond a way to ward off excess weight, pump up those happy-making endorphins, and de-frazzle, boxing training comes with a host of additional benefits that you may not get from other sports. We asked Mavis McRae (42) and Kaila-Rai Allegro (21) who are, dare we say, average women for feedback on those benefits.

Mavis is new to boxing, yet finds herself working toward competition as part of a fundraising effort (www.thecleanfight. ca) and Kaila–Rai has been using boxing training for fitness for over 7 years.


Never mind actually sparring or boxing, even just the fitness training to prepare for a boxing bout is a very humbling effort.

Mavis: The second workout I ever did the trainer called for 100 push-ups during warm-up. I looked around at everyone doing it and thought there is no way I'm going to survive this, but I did and am getting stronger.

Kaila-Rai: The training is totally a humbling experience... and cue my first crunch push-up!


Learning the challenging technique of boxing (jab, hooks, slips) forces you to take responsibility for your competency and teaches you to continuously accept correction.

Mavis: Nothing seems to be natural about the way you move in boxing, you are constantly correcting. Eventually you find a rhythm that works and it starts to make sense, until they change it up again!

Kaila-Rai: Skills that I have acquired throughout training have helped me in everyday situations. I am more confident in everything I do.


Expect to be impeded every step of the way. You must be mentally strong to continue learning at a pace that may be slower than what you are used to.

Mavis: There's a lot going on in boxing. And you never know what your opponent brings to the ring. You have to build the skills that allow you to adapt and you definitely have to think and react quickly.

Kaila-Rai: There is not a more gratifying feeling than mastering the mind during training. It takes CAN'T out of your vocabulary and replaces it with "one day I will".


Boxing training refines agility, speed, power, and strength all while burning gads of calories.

Mavis: It is like sprinting with your arms while still engaging your core and legs. There isn't a body part that isn't working hard.

Kaila-Rai: It helped me improve many aspects of my fitness including my cardio. I used to loathe running and now I can run 5k with ease.

Sheila Molloy  |
Sheila Molloy is an Entrepreneur, Enthusiasm-Generator and Cheese Lover. A business strategist, she is the owner and principal consultant of Molloy & Associates; a partner of In This Corner (ITC) Boxing Fitness Centre; and a champion of all things fun and efficient.