How Confidence Enhances Your Business Success
Last month we discussed how self confidence comes from that inner spark of your authentic self. When you connect to your true self, serenity and a deep inner knowing is accessed.
This month we'll cover how to enhance your business by being the self-confident you! Each successful business woman will experience and express her confidence differently, but the common thread is that she FEELS comfortable in her own shoes and takes charge of what needs to be done.
A woman in charge knows how to create the success she has envisioned. This woman has a plan of action and executes it to the final detail. Confidence is expressed by her abilities to negotiate, delegate and not feel threatened by the other guy. She will ask when she doesn't know and is able to admit she doesn't know something with ease. What she does know is that if she fails she will persevere.
It goes back to the knowing that I spoke about in last month's article. It's a deep knowing that comes from within, the knowledge that you have tremendous worth and you will persevere. This allows you to open up to all your possibilities in life and in business.
You may win or you may lose, but you play full out being the real you.
Nuggets for Enhanced Self Confidence in Business:*
1. Walk Your Talk - Live your ideals and ideas in business by being fully you with relaxed confidence. Stand in your integrity by meaning what you say and saying what you mean. Make sure your work aligns with your ideals, which will translate into trusting, caring relationships with clients. As your business expands so too will your confidence.
2. Embrace Learning: Study Success - There is an abundance of material to learn from out there: webinars, articles, business seminars and more. Find yourself a mentor. Ask advice from people whom you admire and who have created success in their own life/business. Ask questions and don't be afraid to ask what may seem like a silly question. Endless learning is available if you simply put yourself out there to learn.
3. Set Bigger Goals - Step out of your comfort zone and launch a new idea or product. Stretching out of your comfort zone will always feel a little scary but creates new opportunity and growth. When you are willing to go out on a limb, your business expands and so does your confidence. You must absolutely look at the risk factors but don't be afraid to live from an expanded state.
4. Don't Be Afraid To Create Out of Nothing - Being original elevates your confidence by putting yourself on the line and being willing to try something new. There are so many twists and turns still not developed in business that can give you an edge with consumers. Tap into your creativity and see what comes through.
5. Make a Declaration Statement and Write It Down - In a nutshell, set goals, write them down and state them out loud. This not only increases your confidence to complete the goals, but also generates present moment energy to help propel you forward.
6. Teamwork - Get people on board. Confidence rises when we know there is a support network to help us stay focused. It can be your family, your spouse, your staff or the neighbour next door. Just remember you don't have to do it all alone.
7. Expect Setbacks - The one thing you can be sure of in a successful business is that failure has and will occur. You can also be sure if you are persistent, success will be there too. There is a price to pay to be successful and part of the price is being willing to fail. It's part of life to fail but as Mr. Nagao says, "It should not stop you from living the next day." Have security in yourself (not the results of your business) and believe in your character. This will carry you through the failings and bring you to success with gusto.
*(Inspired from my learning from Allan Nagao, a successful rags to riches entrepreneur.)