Resolutions: Set them; Stick with them
Setting New Year's Resolutions is the easy part of the process. We all start off January first with the best of intentions. Staying on course is where the work lies. Being consistent and keeping the commitment strong throughout the year takes perseverance, know-how and a solid plan.
Business women especially have the challenge of sticking with their business resolutions while balancing family, community, and self care. The New Year opens up new possibilities for success. There is the essence of hope in the air.
The following tips will be of help to you. Grab onto your resolutions and keep them going in the months ahead. Pick one or two of the following tips. Focus and begin your business success for 2013 and beyond.
Tip #1: 2012 is over. Begin 2013, by closing open loops
The cost of unfinished business is energy drain and decreased productivity. Simply ask: What is incomplete?
Make a list and attempt to check off 2 or 3 items a week till the entire list is completed.
Tip #2: Fill your business with meaning
"When your greatest gladness collides with a world need you have found your life purpose." - Anonymous
Living the life you love and loving the life you live is truly a gift. You spend tremendous time and energy at your business. Your work is a place where you express and give your best to the world. Make it meaningful. Make it a vision for goodness.
Tip #3: Goals: Chunk them Down into Doable Actions
My life coach Catherine Wood has taught me this skill and it has brought me great success and calm. Taking baby steps is accomplished by first writing down the big picture and then breaking it down into the pieces of the puzzle. Bite off one piece at a time and before you know it the goal is achieved!
Tip #4: Markers and Celebration: These two ideas are interconnected
Markers tell us we reached a certain destination and when reached, one should celebrate! Often it is a long road to a successful completion of an entire project or assignment. Breaking it down into clear markers along the way makes the journey easier and more pleasurable. When a marker is reached a celebration is in order…Whether it be a nice lunch out, a new accessory, or a small treat, commemorate a job well done so far.
Tip #5: Accountability...Seek Support
Holding yourself accountable generally takes an outside source. Don't ask me why, but individuals have greater success in their goals when they need to report their progress. Choose a life coach, friend or colleague at work. Set timelines for your resolutions and let your accountability buddy know what you have set out to do. Check in regularly.
Wishing much success. Wishing much joy. You are on your way to achieving your best business and life by Analyzing, Strategizing and Taking Action.