Entrepreneur Articles
Self Improvement Articles

Triumph Over Fear
Imagine yourself five years from now, having enjoyed fabulous business growth, living the life you've always dreamed about. As you fantasize, what emotional response does your vision provoke? READ ARTICLE
Written By: Kadena Tate | Published: 9/24/2014

Wardrobe Success Made Easy
Shirley Borrelli is a professionally trained personal image and style consultant who has styled for 100's of people, including READ ARTICLE
Written By: Christine Dubyts | Published: 8/18/2014

'Bossy' or Not Part 2: How You Speak & Stand Can Hurt You
Part two of Ban Bossy offers suggestions about several areas where you can increase your visibility and power, and help your own career or business. READ ARTICLE
Written By: Barbara Pachter | Published: 6/11/2014

Two 'Secrets' To Get What You Want
Make it clear what you want and pose it as a statement instead of a questions is a great way to get what you want. READ ARTICLE
Written By: Barbara Pachter | Published: 6/11/2014

'Bossy' or Not, Business Women Can Handicap Their Careers
There has been a lot of media focus lately on Sheryl Sandberg's new campaign for empowering girls, Ban Bossy. READ ARTICLE
Written By: Barbara Pachter | Published: 6/6/2014

Setting Goals That Will Change Your Life
Do you set New Year's resolutions? Are they the same as last
year? If so, are you frustrated that you can't achieve them? Let me ask you a few questions... READ ARTICLE
Written By: Marielle Gauthier | Published: 4/3/2014

Art Reflections of a Woman Entrepreneur
Whether it's drawing a picture, doing needlepoint, sculpting a bowl, or airbrushing a tattoo, it is all art. Engaging in artistic endeavours soothes the soul. I call it letting your creative READ ARTICLE
Written By: Wendy A. Smith | Published: 4/1/2014

Five Apps to Build Your Personal Brand
Here are five tools you can use to immediately enhance your personal brand online. READ ARTICLE
Written By: Aliza Sherman | Published: 4/1/2014

Your Inner Voice
I believe that your inner voice is your unconscious mind and its primary function is to look after you and keep you safe. It's great when your inner voice is saying... READ ARTICLE
Written By: Leigh Ashton | Published: 11/1/2013

How Confidence Enhances Your Business Success
Last month we discussed how self confidence comes from that inner spark of your authentic self. When you connect to your true self, serenity and a deep... READ ARTICLE
Written By: Julie Starr | Published: 7/1/2013

Behind Your Mask - Alone and Isolated
What mask do you wear? Most of the women business owners and executives I meet and coach are hiding behind a mask regularly. They're living a lie... READ ARTICLE
Written By: Shawn Byler | Published: 6/3/2013

Self Confidence In Your Personal & Business Life
Self confidence is a concern for many women and we've got to ask why?
Why do so many dynamic, strong, incredible women lack confidence in themselves... READ ARTICLE
Written By: Julie Starr | Published: 6/3/2013

Business Success: It's a Choice
As I was writing this article, I had been shortlisted for an award that I've coveted for many years - The NE Woman Entrepreneur Awards. Therefore, the topic... READ ARTICLE
Written By: Nicola Cook | Published: 6/3/2013

Authentic Living: Becoming More of Who You Are
Being the authentic you is a concept we hear a lot about these days. The idea is about being who you are. Dancing as if no one is watching. Standing for what you... READ ARTICLE
Written By: Julie Starr | Published: 5/1/2013

Choosing to Thrive, Not Just Survive
Exhausted? Fatigued? Overworked?
Unfortunately these scenarios can describe many people in today's society. Too many hours...
Written By: Julie Starr | Published: 3/1/2013

Resolutions: Set them; Stick with them
Setting New Year's Resolutions is the easy part of the process. We all start off January first with the best of intentions. Staying on course is... READ ARTICLE
Written By: Julie Starr | Published: 1/1/2013

Help... I Need Somebody!
"Would you like help out with your groceries today?"
This was the question that I was waiting for as I paid for my groceries. I was recovering from major surgery... READ ARTICLE
Written By: Deb Dawson-Dunn | Published: 1/1/2013

Focus for Success
Shultz's most famous strip was the one shown above. No matter how hard Charlie Brown tried, no matter how hard he focused on kicking the football... READ ARTICLE
Written By: Christine Dubyts | Published: 11/20/2012